T3 Uptake Blood Test and Normal Levels - SelfDecode Labs (2024)

T3 Uptake Blood Test and Normal Levels - SelfDecode Labs (1)

Thyroid disorders affect millions worldwide, but they can sometimes be difficult to diagnose. T3 uptake helps doctors calculate your levels of free thyroid hormone, which provides important information on thyroid function. Find out how this test works and what can cause abnormal results.

What is the T3 Uptake Test?

Overview of Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid gland produces two main thyroid hormones, called T3 and T4. These thyroid hormones circulate through the blood and have various important roles in the body, such as controlling heartbeat, body temperature, and metabolism [1].

Both of these hormones can come in two forms. One is the bound form, where T3 or T4 is attached to a protein. This helps the hormones travel through the blood, but also inactivates them. The other is the free form, which is not attached to a protein but does have biological activity [1].

The large majority of thyroid hormones are in the bound form, but it’s typically more helpful to measure the free form because it’s the one that has a clinical effect. This is where T3 uptake testing comes in. This test provides a way to indirectly measure free T4 levels [1, 2].

For a more in-depth breakdown of thyroid hormones, check out our article here.

You have two main thyroid hormones, called T3 and T4. These two hormones come in two forms, bound and free.

T3 Uptake Testing

The T3 uptake test, also called the T3 resin uptake test, indirectly measures the binding capacity of TBG. It does not measure T3, despite the name [2].

TBG, short for thyroxine-binding globulin, is a protein that can bind to T4 and T3. The T3 uptake test reports the percent of TBG that is bound to thyroid hormones: a higher T3 uptake % means more TBG bound to T4 or T3. This test can be helpful when abnormalities in thyroid-binding proteins make total T4 levels misleading [2].

But T3 uptake % is not very useful by itself. The T3 uptake test must be performed alongside a total T4 test in order to calculate free T4, also called the free T4 index. A high free T4 index may indicate hyperthyroidism while low levels may point to hypothyroidism [2].

The T3 uptake test requires a blood sample, which a medical professional will usually take from the vein. Nowadays, however, it’s unlikely that a doctor will perform a T3 uptake test. Modern tests can directly measure free T4, making this test obsolete for the most part.

The T3 uptake test can help determine your level of free T4. However, newer tests have made T3 uptake obsolete.

Normal T3 Uptake Levels

Normal ranges can vary between laboratories due to differences in equipment, techniques, and chemicals used. If your results are outside of the normal range, it may not necessarily mean there is something wrong. However, a normal result also doesn’t mean a particular medical condition is absent. Always talk with your doctor to learn more about your test results.

For adults, the normal range for T3 uptake is about 25-35% [3].

As mentioned earlier, the T3 uptake % is not clinically useful without a total T4 test as well. The free T4 index can be calculated using T3 uptake and total T4. For reference, the normal range of free T4 index in adults is about 6-11 mcg/dL (this also varies depending on the lab performing the test) [4].

Causes of Low T3 Uptake

A number of factors may cause a low T3 uptake result. Test results should be interpreted by a doctor who can take into account your medical history and the results of other tests.

High TBG Levels

One of the main causes of low T3 uptake is a high amount of TBG in the blood. Why is this? Remember that T3 uptake measures the percent of TBG bound to thyroid hormones. If there is an excess amount of TBG, there will be more available to bind, which ultimately decreases the percent of T3 uptake [2].

Some potential causes of high TBG include:

  • Pregnancy [5]
  • Liver diseases (hepatitis B & C, liver scarring, liver cancer) [6, 7, 8, 9]
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease [10]
  • Thyroid cancer [11]
  • Down’s syndrome [12]
  • HIV [13]

Certain medications may also elevate TBG levels, including:

  • Birth control [14]
  • Growth hormone therapy [15]
  • Bazedoxifene (Duavee) and Raloxifene (Evista), used to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis [16, 17]
  • Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), used to treat breast cancer [18]
  • Therapy for tuberculosis [19]

Low Thyroid Hormone Levels (Hypothyroidism)

Another way T3 uptake can be low is if thyroid hormone levels are low. If T3 and T4 levels are low, then there’s less available to bind to TBG, which means a lower percentage of bound TBG. When the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone it is called hypothyroidism [2].

There are many different factors that can lead to hypothyroidism. Some of the most common causes include [20]:

  • Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disorder
  • Iodine deficiency
  • Pregnancy
  • Surgery or radiation to the thyroid or pituitary gland

Causes of High T3 Uptake

A number of factors may cause a high T3 uptake result. Test results should be interpreted by a doctor who can take into account your medical history and the results of other tests.

Low TBG Levels

Less TBG in the blood means there is less TBG available to bind to T3 and T4. This means most of the TBG in the body would be used up by thyroid hormones, which elevates T3 uptake results [2].

Some possible causes of low TBG include:

  • Diabetes [21]
  • Calorie restriction [22]
  • Vitamin B3 [23]
  • Endurance exercise [24]
  • Alcoholism [25]
  • Genetic disorders [26]
  • Polyhalogenated compounds (PHCs), found in cookware, cosmetics, and pesticides [27]

Certain medications may also decrease TBG levels, including:

  • Propranolol (Inderal), used to treat high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat [28]
  • Danazol (Danocrine), used to treat endometriosis and other conditions [29]
  • Carbamazepine (Tegretol), used to treat nerve pain and epilepsy [30]
  • Valproate (Depakote), used to treat seizures and bipolar disorder [30]
  • Phenytoin (Dilantin), used to treat and prevent seizures [31]

High Thyroid Hormones Levels (Hyperthyroidism)

High levels of T4 and T3 mean more TBG is bound to thyroid hormones, which increases the T3 uptake percent. The most common cause for high thyroid hormone levels is hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland releases too much hormone [2].

The most common causes of hyperthyroidism include [32]:

  • Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disease
  • Goiter, an enlarged thyroid
  • Thyroid tumors
  • Inflammation of the thyroid

Effects of Abnormal T3 Uptake

What happens if T3 uptake results are abnormal? By itself, abnormal T3 uptake does not generally cause any symptoms. Instead, any symptoms will be from an underlying cause, such as thyroid dysfunction or problems with TBG levels [2].

Additionally, an abnormal T3 uptake may or may not indicate a thyroid disorder. A total T4 test must also be performed to calculate the free T4 index. Once the free T4 index is known, your doctor can determine if there is possible hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism [2].


The T3 uptake test indirectly measures the amount of TBG that is bound to thyroid hormones. This test, in combination with a total T4 test, can help identify thyroid dysfunction. However, this test has been made obsolete by newer types of tests.

T3 Uptake Blood Test and Normal Levels - SelfDecode Labs (2024)


What is a normal lab value for T3 uptake? ›

Normal values range from 25% to 38%. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Some labs use different measurements or test different samples. Talk to your provider about the meaning of your specific test results.

Why would T3 uptake be low? ›

Lower-than-normal T3 levels can also be due to medications like steroids and amiodarone (arrhythmia medication) and severe illness. These factors can decrease the amount of T4 (inactive hormone) your body converts into T3 (active hormone), resulting in a lower level of T3.

Why is my T3 high but everything else normal? ›

High T3 levels (free or total) may mean you have hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone). High T3 levels with: Low TSH and high free T4 levels may mean that a problem with your thyroid gland is causing too much thyroid hormone.

What is the normal range for T3 blood test? ›

Normal Results

Total T3 -- 60 to 180 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), or 0.9 to 2.8 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) Free T3 -- 130 to 450 picograms per deciliter (pg/dL), or 2.0 to 7.0 picomoles per liter (pmol/L)

How to interpret T3 results? ›

Total T3 tests measure both forms of T3. Too much or too little T3 in the blood can indicate a health condition. Many factors influence T3 levels, including age, sex, and some preexisting health conditions, such as liver disease. Pregnancy can also increase total T3 levels.

What is normal thyroid uptake values? ›

Normal 24 hour uptake values have a range of 10-30%. Hypothyroidism is considered any percentage less than 10; whereas uptake values greater than 30 indicate hyperthyroidism.

How do you treat low T3 uptake naturally? ›

You can improve thyroid function naturally, specifically thyroid hormone production, through exercise, eating foods high in iodine, selenium, and probiotics, as well as proper stress management and vitamin D stimulation.

Does low T3 cause weight gain? ›

The T3 hormone not only produces energy and increases metabolism, but it can promote weight loss. If you have low T3, whether caused by low T4 production or a problem converting T4 to T3, the body will slow down your metabolism, which will likely result in weight gain.

How does low T3 make you feel? ›

At first, you may barely notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue and weight gain. Or you may think they are just part of getting older. But as your metabolism continues to slow, you may develop more-obvious problems.

Can you have low T3 but normal TSH? ›

Purpose: Low T3 syndrome is defined by a fall in free triiodothyronine (FT3) in spite of normal serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and often normal free thyroxin (FT4).

What thyroid levels indicate Hashimoto's? ›

If your TSH level is 20.0 mIU/L or higher and your free T4 level is low, there's a high chance that you have hypothyroidism and you'll be started on thyroid hormone replacement.

What is the optimal T3 level? ›

A normal Total T3 level in adults ranges from 80-220 ng/dL. Free T3 assays are often unreliable and not routinely used to assess thyroid function.

What should my T3 uptake level be? ›

TSH reference range: 0.450 to 4.500 uIU/mL. Thyroid Panel: Thyroxine (T4): reference range 4.5 to 12.0 ug/dL; T3 Uptake: 24-39%; Free Thyroxine Index (T7): 1.2 to 4.9.

What foods increase T3? ›

Selenium. This is found in Brazil nuts, tuna, sardines, eggs and legumes (e.g. beans, chickpeas, lentils). As mentioned above, it is vital in generating the more active T3 from T4. All of these foods are recommended as part of a healthy balanced diet.

What is the number one cause of low thyroid? ›

Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. With this disease, your immune system attacks the thyroid. The thyroid becomes inflamed and can't make enough thyroid hormones.

What is the normal values of T3 T4 & TSH and their significance? ›

Normal biological value: A TSH reading is normal if the result is in the range of 0.4 to 5 mIU/L (milli-international units per liter). Normal T3 T4 index (for adults) when T3 hormone reaches 1.3 - 3.1 nmol/l or 0.8-2.0 ng/ml.

Does low T3 uptake cause weight gain? ›

If you have low T3, whether caused by low T4 production or a problem converting T4 to T3, the body will slow down your metabolism, which will likely result in weight gain. Once your thyroid levels are balanced again, weight loss is much easier as the body ramps the metabolism back up.

What is the normal range for total T3 functional medicine? ›

Grab your Thyroid Blood tests and compare your Thyroid levels to the Functional Thyroid ranges
Name of MarkerOPTIMAL Range-“Functional Range
TSH1.8 to 3.0
Total T4 or TT46-12 ug/d
Total T3 or TT3100-180 ng/dL
Free T4 or FT41.0 – 1.53 ng/dL
4 more rows

What are the symptoms of low T3? ›

General symptoms may include fatigue, sluggishness, slight weight gain, and intolerance of cold temperatures. Skin — Hypothyroidism can decrease sweating. The skin may become dry and thick. The hair may become coarse, eyebrows may become more sparse, and nails may become brittle.

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